Tuesday, January 24, 2012

We're Pregnant!

On January 10, 2012 I found out something that would change our lives forever. It was the night I found out we would be expecting a little boy or little girl! 
I had been experiencing some out of the ordinary symptoms and just put it off just 1 1/2 weeks prior, the test was negative. That day (silly, I know) I had been thinking all day what it would be like to be pregnant so I decided to go out and by a pregnancy test. What is the worse that could happen, a negative sign? To my great surprise I watched as one lined formed and then the second line making it positive! I ran out of the bathroom, dropped on my knees and cried hysterically. I was so overwhelmed. Don't get me wrong, I have wanted to be a mom since I was a little girl and even more once I got married, but nothing could have prepared me for seeing that it was coming true. I am so thankful that I can come on my knees in tears before God and not even speak and He knows exactly what I am thinking. He calmed my heart. I was never ungrateful for this baby, just wanted to make that clear. 
After all the emotions passed, I had to quick think of how I would tell my husband, he was due home in 1 hour! I quickly ran to Target to pick out something neutral and didn't find anything except some duckie burp cloths (which are absolutely adorable but I was surprised their stock was so low). I got him a daddy to be card and wrapped up the test and put all three things in a bag. Well, he ended up working overtime and didn't get home for four hours later! When he opened his surprise gifts, his jaw dropped and he was so overwhelmed with joy. We were going to have a baby.
The next few days I called around to every doctor imaginable to get in right away because I had no idea how far along I was. I was able to get in that Friday and had an ultrasound done and I was only 5 weeks. I was saddened to see there was only a sac and no baby, but it turns out that is completely normal for that early on. Blood was taken and a follow up ultrasound was scheduled for the following Friday. 
There was a baby, the size of a lentil bean. And there was a heartbeat. The most beautiful sound I have ever heard. It was beating at 120 bpm at 6 weeks 1 day! Lord willing, I already can't wait to feel this baby start moving and then hold him/her. 

For some reason, the picture I am trying to upload is sideways. Though, it's not sideways on my computer. Help!



  1. Oh my goodness, congratulations!!!!!! I am so excited for you! What a blessing. I LOVED being pregnant. I actually miss it a lot. I would love to answer ANY questions you have! My e-mail is j.fo19 at yahoo dot com :) Congrats!!!!! Ah, so wonderful!! :)

  2. Aw...Congratulations! Words are hard to find to describe that overwhelming feeling when two lines appear (this coming from a mom whose had 16 positive tests! Ten living children; six in heaven). Welcome to motherhood!

    I followed you here from Growing Home.

  3. Congratulations! May the Lord bless you on this wonderful journey of motherhood. :o)

  4. Congratulations. May the Lord bless you on this journey.

  5. Congrats to all of you!!!! I remember the exact moment my I found out I was pregnant with my first baby...that was long ago..when the stick took forever to change color...me and my husband just stood there staring at it!! good luck with everything and God bless you!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
